Mae Sot


The Mae Sot chrysanthemum enchants with its soft, lavender-pink petals that delicately unfurl like whispers of pastel hues. Its serene and ethereal beauty adds a touch of tranquility to gardens or floral arrangements, creating a soothing ambiance. This variety's subtle charm and graceful presence evoke a sense of serenity and peacefulness, offering a gentle elegance to any setting.

Full sun to part shade.

Requires support

It is crucial to initiate a hardening-off process for all our plants, which are supplied in 5cm pots. This step is vital to ensure they are adequately acclimated before planting.

Please note that all live plants, seeds, corms, tubers and bulbs purchased from Heathfield Flowers are non-refundable. Once these items have been purchased and received, they cannot be returned or refunded.

Please be aware that nature's cooperation is not guaranteed. If we are unable to provide you with the requested plants, you will receive a refund.

Plants will be shipped from September - December

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